Banked, Pasteurized Donor Human Milk
Donor Human Milk Banked, Pasteurized Donor Human Milk

Banked, Pasteurized Donor Human Milk

Most of the milk banks in the USA are non-profit and are associated with the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA). Only a few milk banks are for-profit. Mothers who are interested in donating their extra breastmilk are screened via interview and blood testing for infectious diseases, medications, and life style habits, just as individuals who donate blood. HMBANA milk banks typically request letters of approval from the infant’s and mother’s physician. The HMBANA milk banks pool, pasteurize and refreeze the donated milk. Most of the milk is sold and shipped to hospital neonatal intensive care units, and a sizeable amount is sold for outpatient use.

