January 20, 2020
Tandem Nursing
Some mothers continue to nurse their older child through their pregnancy and after the birth of their new infant. Exclusive breastfeeding during pregnancy, meaning that the infant is not taking complementary foods yet, may be associated with an elevated risk of miscarriage1. If the older nursling is under one year while mother is pregnant, they must have their weight closely monitored and may need supplementation, as many mothers experience a significant decrease in their milk supply during the pregnancy2. As the due date approaches, the milk will change to meet the new infant’s needs and after birth the supply will adjust according to the needs of both nurslings. The mother should be advised to allow her infant to feed first in the early days, to be sure the newborn’s needs are prioritized. Once mature milk production is reestablished, there should be plenty for both nurslings.
- Molitoris J Breast-feeding During Pregnancy and the Risk of Miscarriage Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2019, 51(3) Sept 2019
- Lopez-Fernandez G., Barrios M., Goberna-Tricas J., Gomez-Benito J. Breastfeeding during Pregnancy: A Systematic Review Women and Birth 2017 Dec;30(6)