Low Milk Supply

Perceived Low Milk Supply

There are many reasons why mothers PERCEIVE they are not making enough milk, when in fact they are. Breastfeeding is a confidence game. If a mother interprets infant feeding behavior or breast changes as a loss of milk supply she may decide to supplement the infant with formula, leading to a decrease in production due to less frequent feedings at the breast. Changes in feeding routines that mothers may interpret as low supply include:

  • Feeding more frequently than expected
  • Infants with a high suck need
  • Constant infant fussiness
  • Infant rejection of the breast
  • Decline in breast fullness after 2-4 months postpartum
  • Decrease in infant stooling
  • Bottle preference

Mothers should be encouraged to see a provider or lactation specialist to help determine if these changes are due to low supply or something else. An infant weight is crucial to sort this out. Therefore, this is not an evaluation that can be done over the telephone.




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